Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ninja Tutorial :GO TON PO (natural elements)

The ninja is taught to use the five natural elements for combat and escape concealment. WATER can he used for hiding and escape, and the ninja must also be able to fight under water. He is taught to use FIRE and smoke as cover-ups, as well as the use of explosives and firearms. He uses METAL to create a diversionary sound, and must also have a knowledge of fundamental electrical theory. WOOD is used in terms of plants and trees covering the ninja's escape, and the ninja must also have a working knowledge of construction methods and carpentry. EARTH principles cover the use of sand, rocks, and loose ground to aid in fighting, as well as the ahilitu to use all standard tunes of vehicles for transportation.
MU-TON JVTSU (water technique)
I. Remain submerged, breathing through a tube.
2. Use of inflatable water craft for travel.
3. Use of water on a slick floor to unbalance pursuers.
4. Under water combat techniques utilizing pressure-point attacks:

KIN-TON JUTSU (metal technique)
1. Throwing coins at the face of an attacker to stun or harass.
2. Knowledge of lock-picking to permit entry or exit.
3. Ball-bearings scattered over a smooth floor to unbalance a pursuer.
4. Use of acids to weaken metal structure for surreptitious entry.
KA-TON Ju'SU (fire technique)
1. Use of fire in one area, creating a diversion and permitting entry or exit in another area.
2. Keep the sun or bright light at your back while fighting, to reduce the vision of your adversary.
3. Use of explosives to distract or frighten enemy.
4. Use of burning cigars or pocket lighters to burn adversary while fighting
DO-TON JUTSU (earth technique)
1. Concealment of gear or body among rocks or uneven ground.
2. Movement through loose ground or rocks to make pursuit difficult.
3. Throwing sand or dirt at enemy's face to blind, and facilitate
4. Knowledge of natural terrain and geographical features to confuse and lose pursuers.
MOKU-TON JUTSU (wood, plant technique)
1. Hide in foliage of a tree where you can see without helm seen.
2. Use of poisonous or irritating plants as harassment.
3. Knowledge of building structure to permit entry and exit.
4. Hide in tall grass or shrubbery during pursuit.